Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year, people!

Its gonna be the new year for singaporeans in one hour. Its 3pm here now. +8gmt, its 11pm in singapore!

Well, I'm feeling cheery now yup! Hehe. Its been a great year, achieved some things and made some nice progress this year with me life.

Lets list them down in sequence of importance:

1) Got my own Selmer Paris Ref 54 alto
2) Got my diploma. (yeap, its not as important as my sax)
3) Got all my applications for overseas study approved.
4) Got a scholarship to fully fund my overseas studies. Thanks to me dad.
5) Graduated from TPband with two exco member posts.
6) Organised a full length concert.
7) Passed driving in one attempt, early this year, in JAN! Lucky me.
8) Went back into neato form for physical fitness. (army doesn't want me though i got 28/30)
9) Got into Singapore Winds Main band. (attendance in main band bad though)
10) Became the official treasurer and commitee for Singapore Winds. No longer though, I'm in UK now.
11) Passed my Grade 5 ABRSM saxophone exam with merit. Missed distinction cuz of me scales. DAMN.
12) I did put on weight. HOORAY!
13) Learnt skiing.
14) Aced my test papers so far.

Hmm. I wonder why results ain't my favourite achievements. CUZ I WANNA DO MUSIC, and VETERIANARIAN SCIENCE!

But nobody's gonna fund those i guess.

Heh heh. There are many other minor things but oh wells.

Tomorrow will be the new day for more things to achieve, yeap!!

Things to achieve:

1) Practice to prepare technicalities and scales for more saxophone exams.
2) Obtain upper 25% or better for my degree.
3) Get married.

You can ignore number 3.

Hehehe! Its almost New Year for Singapore. Anyways, Happy New Year!

12/31/2006 02:56:00 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hey guys. I have messy hair, and a face full of pimples. But i'm gonna show ya pictures of the trips anyways. This ain't my album. Its my sis. Can't be bothered to put up all of the pics. Anyways, here are the links. It'll have all the picture i think.

The Scotland Trip Picture Album.

The London Trip Picture Album.

Thanks to me sis, Christy. Hehe.

12/28/2006 05:08:00 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Hey dudes and dudettes, I'll be posting pictures of the scotland trip very soon. Gonna get them from my sis tomorrow.

Hmm. Well, its about 200 pictures that she compiled, oh heck. Not gonna put them all here.
I'm gonna put some here; the featured ones i guess, and the rest in my photo album. Hehe..


Anyways, that aside, Xmas has been ok for me I guess. Missing the usual poolside bbq party organised by me dad annually. I miss the presents I got for Xmas. Oh well. The reason for Xmas is Jesus, presents are just a custom.

I wonder why many people of different religions celebrate Xmas. I don't see everyone celebrating Deepavali yur? Not to be racist. :P

It is a Christian celebration. The societies of this world has been blinded it seems. Oh well.
Hmm. Sometimes, my headstrong Christian beliefs cause some trifles with people. Hm, if I can't even stand up for what is real to me, how can I face God when we face judgement? Am i gonna tell Him "Sorry, I didn't stand up for you cuz I wanted to please people.." Nope. Not gonna do that.

I've probably told many people the miracles He has done for me. Miracles beyond logical reasoning. The night my family was visited by angels(ask me what happened if ya want), the funding of my family's education(S$250,000 of free uni education), the exemption to fight for a non-christian country(I dun have to go to army even though I gotta Gold for Napfa Test... MUAHHAHA), etc...

I never thought God was real when I was little. I always questioned His existence.
But now, beyond a doubt, after the things I realised He did for my family, I know He is very real.

I have a friend in a church called the True Jesus Church. They proclaim that only people from their church go to heaven. Blinded. They say I am blinded. What of the part of the bible that says not to judge your fellow brother? They then say I am not their brother.

I wonder how true this True Jesus Church is. Well, lets not judge. Leave that to God i suppose.

Conflicts between Christians. I wonder what is the definition of Christians then? Protestants and Catholics. Whats the major diff? We all believe in the same God. True Jesus Church or whatever. We're still believing in the same God.

Its just pure stupid that there are conflicts.

They all argue which path leads to everlasting life and which leads to eternal damnation at the depths of hell.

Everyone goes either of the two ways.

In my own words, the path to salvation is the simplest. Love God with all your heart. Loving him makes the life worth living. As socrates, the philosopher said, "The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living."

All the babble about which denomination receives salvation is unnecessary, if ya ask me.

Alright, enough of my self-rightous talk. I might sound very much of that to you, but I do stand up for my Creator. Sorry if I did touch a raw nerve.

God is VERY REAL. I had been in the shoes of uncertainty, doubt and skeptism before.
I know how creepy things can be. Things turns out to be blessings. Not that creepy i suppose. Hehe.

Here's to those in True Jesus Church. Your church was founded in the 1900s. So that means everyone living from AD 100 - 1900 was damnned to Hell in your context. Thats an awful lot of people. Hm. The God that I know doesn't take 1900 years to start saving people.

Talking in tongues? Do it in your own home. Don't scare away new people in church. Thats not what God would want us to do. Instead, prophesize.
It kinda amazes me how people discern the fact that every "Christian" should be able to talk in tongues. I'd rather prophesize and save more people that way, passing on the Gospel, than to babble in a strange tongue just for my own benefit. It kinda amazes me that people are talking in tongues, more than any other gift, when the bible states that there are many other gifts. Why is this the only one that surfaces in this society? Easy. Lack of discernment and fear of unaccpentence. Putting your own welfare first to obtain acceptance and standing ain't what I would discern to be a role model for a Chistian. So fakers who don't know that they are fakers, I pray that you receive discernment. That would be the most impt gift ya need now.

Society and its obligation to influence. Group talk and influence.

God bless. Amen. And again, sorry if i had offended anyone. I did warn ya. Heh heh. :)

“[Of David.] Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-”- Psalm 103:1-2

12/28/2006 02:23:00 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Monday, December 11, 2006

Its a Monday. There ain't Monday blues cuz they ain't classes on Monday. HEh. Um, well, the term's over already. Winter Holidays are starting. The past week has been real cool.

Well, I did say in my last blog that I would be going to watch Manchester United at their homeground yur? Man.. So many people!!
It was last Wednesday. Yeaps. A few of my Chinese friends and I bought some tickets around a month before the game. Yea. Costs 38quid. Thats around like 110 bucks? Yea. Its expensive.

Anyways, the stadium was full of people. There ain't a seat that was empty. THe match? Man Utd Vs. Benfica. WAY COOL. Its the UEFA Champoinships. Uh huh.

This is inside the stadium. I'm sitting relatively near to the pitch. Very good view of the game yea.

As you can see, there ain't much people there yet. The footballers are warming up. On the side nearer to us is the Benfica side, on the other end is Manchester United.
Old trafford Stadium really is amazing... Tsukoi~!

This is the how the grandstand looks like.

Now you can see how full the stadium is.

If ya enlarge the image you'll prolly see Ryan Giggs taking the corner. They great. They were losing 0-1 to Benfica in the beginning, but equalised 1-1 just before half-time.

Thats me. This was after the match. Well, if you guys saw the match for Man UTD vs Benfica, you'll know how exciting the game was. Man UTD scored 2 goals in the second half, defending their score throughout, too. Final Score: 3-1

Really, Man UTD's a good club.

Alright, that was wednesday. This is Friday, last week. I went to the Xmas Market at Manchester City Centre. Um hm. Near the Picadilly Gardens. Loads of stuff to eat and buy. I can tell ya, the homemade waffles and nothing you have ever eaten before. It was too good to savour that I finished it without taking a picture. Man. Really. Darn good. The waffles in SG loses by a long shot.

I forgot what this is called. Anyways, this is just a roasted pig, European style. Had a burger with roast pig inside. I think its kinda similar to the kebab style.

Besides this, I had a German Sausage. Damn big lo. Really super tasty too. It was made by an oversided wiremesh heated over a large cauldron of charcoal. Man... COOL! SUPER delicious food there.

Xmas Deco on the church at City Centre. Cool EH? We never get these kinda buildings in Singapore. Cept for my church at City Hall. Santa Claus.. The false meaning of Xmas. I wonder what's he doin up there.

Hehe.. This happened a few days ago. Some stupid people vandalised the lift. ARSON!! Luckily, thats the ODD numbered lift. I take the EVEN numbered lift to get to the 6th floor. Lucky me.

Whole lift had been burnt. Man.. I wonder what kinda thrill these sick thrill seekers had. Its quite corny how they taped up the lift.


Anyways, I guess I haven't shown ya guys a picture of where I study at. Here's a picture of one of the buildings in the Salford University Campus. Its the Peel House. Um hm. It looks old.. Um hm.. Yeap, becuz it IS old. Hehe. Term over. Scotland ski trip, here i come!

Take care peeps, and GOd Bless.

12/11/2006 12:20:00 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Its been awhile since I've updated my blog. Well, many people has been pestering me to update. Hehe. Sorry, my bad. Was just too lazy to update. Hmm. I'm not the "jounal" kinda person, so yea, its just mainly to keep you guys back in Singapore updated about the happenings here.

Kk. Hm. Firstly, I wanna say that it has already started snowing on the mountains. The weather here is eccentric. Up and down. Very wet here compared to Singapore. Its practically raining almost everyday. Once, I came back from a badminton game and saw a layer of ice on my friend's car. COOL EH! Whaha ha. You dun get to see this in Singapore. Here a pic of it.

See, its frosty. Its not just condensation.
Its ICE.

Well, it is cold, and being kinda dumb, I forgot to bring a change of clothes on thursday for badminton. Was wearing shorts. LOL, and I went out in the cold with shorts and a shirt with my TopMan jacket. A pretty funny sight.

Anyways, to keeping ya informed of my things here, I'll put pictures in most of my entries. They all say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Heheh . I have to edit every picture you see here k? Its not the right size and everything. I add borders to my pictures too, but no, I dun take away my pimples and photoshop my face like some *ahem* singaporean star blogger.

This is a mini copper, european model. Notice the british flag on its roof. Cute eh? I want a car like this. HMmmMmm.. Easy to park.

Well, I've been relatively busy these few weeks, with projects to do and such. Have been caught up with some extranous activities too. There's badminton on tuesdays and thurdays, band practice on tuesday, but well, pretty much of my time I spend finding food to eat and time to sleep. Whahahahaaha..

Shopping for groceries, shopping on EBAY, watching japanese anime, etc..
Blogging comes last on my list. Sorry peeps. I've let ya guys down. Well, there the importance of wanting to know whats happening here. Hm. YEP!

Anyways, its 4am here now.. Can't get to sleep. Its kinda cuz I overslept my afternoon nap. Now my biological clock's topsy turvy.

This is my sister's new iMAC. Its a G5 model. Well, I've nothing against Macs, just that they're not very reliable. I've heard people complaining that PCs have too many viruses. However, I'd rather install my own antivirus on Windows. WHy? Cuz when you want to upgrade your PC, you replace parts and buy newer ones. How do you upgrade a MAC? Simply throw it out of the Window, pray that it doesn't hit anyone, then go out and buy a newer one. YEAPS.

Anyways, the reason why she bought a new Mac was bcuz her iBOOK crashed. It crashed one week before she had to hand in her assignment. WHAHAHA. <---- Sadistic laugh. Well, she managed to hand it up anyways, thank god. Stupid MACs. Looks good, but totally not for the power user.

The trees are all barran. Kinda reminds me of my own "less-than normal-amt" hair on my legs. Its just strange that I have very little leg hair. Crap.

Anyways, its gonna be snowing here in another month or two I suppose. Light snow I guess.

One particular game of pool that took longer than usual. It was by chance that it was lined up like that.

Christmas lights in the city centre. Not a very good picture though.

To all you Manchester United Fans out there. MUA HAHAHAHA. I'm catching their game next week. HEH hEH. Try to find me on your cable TV back in Singapore. Expensive ticket.

Lastly, my new iPOD Video. Yeap, this is the lastest one, 6th generation, 80GB. Weee. I needed an mp3 player, so I bought this. Sleek... Yummy.. Hm. Can ya see the Final Fantasy Wallpaper?

Alright peeps, I'll keep ya informed of my happenings soon again. Well, I'm going to scotland's mountains to ski with my friends here in the uni in two weeks time. Will post loads of pictures of those with great sceneries and snow.. Most prob going to London too. By the way, enjoy your X'Mas! The true meaning of X'mas is Jesus Christ, so celebrate with your families in this joyous occasion. I miss my family. Oh well, nitez. Oyasumi Nasai~ Ja Ne!

12/02/2006 10:44:00 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

You're the one

BaLdwIn ChiA YonG ZhEn
# Age: 22
# Birthdate: 9 January 1986
# Height: 1.72 M
# Weight: 59 and gaining.
# Hometown: Singapore
# Current Location: Salford, Manchester
# School: University of Salford
# Course: (Hons) Bus. & Mgmt Studies
# Lovelife: Miss Heng

# I'm a Christian. Anglican to be more precise. The traditional Christian. Christianity is not a religion, by the way. Its only a fact and way of life, but some people choose to live in delusion kinda like the matrix, or finally read the bible and realize the truth and becomes Christians. Rebuke me if I offend anyone, but a living God backs me. Hehe. Miracles beyond the doubt have happened. Cheers !
Click here to link to my Friendster Account #



# My Silly Girl

# Societies: Singapore Wind Symphony
# Instrument Played: Alto Saxophone
# Instrument: Selmer Paris Ref 54 Alto
# Hobbies: Inline Skating, Cycling, Jogging, Swimming, Badminton, Sleeping (is that counted as a hobby?)


# Pri : St. Hildas & Yu Neng
# Sec : Victoria School
# Tertiary: Temasek Polytechnic
# Current : Salford University, Manchester

# Medical??: Broken all limbs cept one.

# No. of Ex-Gfs: Not enough fingers to count. Yea right..

Don't take the above statement seriously.. JOKE JOKE!:P


# I want a Selmer Series 2 Soprano or a Yana Sop.
# I want to own my own car.
# I want new skates. (JUST BOUGHT ONE!!!)
# I want to eat Singaporean FOOD.
# I want to study music.
# I want to take the Grade 8 ABRSM Saxophone exam.
# I want to have funds to accomodate the above statement.
# I really want to have the above statement fulfiled.

can you hear me?

Yo peeps, post in the tagboard when ya visit.. HEHE.

music to my ears.

Press PLAY!!!

run away.


Alice #
Thrid Sis Christy Chia #
Chi Leong #
Dewei #
Doreen, Yangz #
FirdauZ #
Hariani #
Jeslyn #
Johan #
Kayan #
Marianne #
Melvin Goh #
Min #
Qinhong #
Cousin Qinnie XiaoLongBao #
Sandy #
ShiShi #
Shir #
Steven #
Wayne #
Yue Yuan #
Yun Shan #
Yuling, Chiam #
Cousin Yuannie Carrie #
Xueli #

catch me.

  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • December 2006
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  • December 2007
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  • hopes

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